Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tip of the Day: The Art of Selling Yourself

If you want to get hired and get paid reasonably for your work hours, learn how to master the art of selling yourself. Find out what skills you are most passionate about. Find out what you are most familiar doing and start from there. Make a good impression to your would-be employers by communicating clearly about what you CAN do and what you CANNOT do. People appreciate it when you are honest and transparent so NEVER EVER lie on your resume.

If you have just a couple of skills in your resume, that's not going to get you very far so ask yourself, how do you sell yourself with just a few skills and not much to offer to employers? There are a few things you can do actually. Invest your time in improving those skills or get trained and acquire new ones and then TRY again.

I plan to do those after I give birth. I want to go back to uni and take Computer Science or Graphic Design. Any computer-related course will do. I think that's where I need to improve myself. I want better computer skills and get hired at a much higher rate. Very doable, don't you think?

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